成考院校 咨詢?nèi)肟?/a>
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更新時(shí)間:2022-06-09 11:03:00  來(lái)源:大牛教育成考網(wǎng)  點(diǎn)擊量:






  1.-Come and meet John.

  —— How do you do ?

  2.-Let me introduce you to my friend Mr.Bowen./I would like you to meet my friend Mr.Black .

  -I'm pleased to meet you. /I'm glad to meet you./ Nice meeting you.

  3.-Hi,I'm Liu Liang.

  -How do you do?

  4.-How do you do?I don't think we've met before.I'm Tom.

  - How do you do ? It's a pleasure to meet you./ Nice to meet you .


  1.-How are you?/How are you doing?

  - I'm fine, thanks. / Very well, thanks. And you?

  2.-How is everything?

  -Pretty good.

  -What's new?→


  1.- Good bye .

  - Good bye./ Bye bye .

  2.-See you.

  -So long./See you.

  3.-Take care.

  -You too.



  1. -How can I get to the police station?/Where is the police station?

  -Walk four blocks down the street and turn right.

  2.-Is this right for the park? Is this the right way to the park?

  -Yes, it is over there.

  3.-Excuse me.Could you show me the way to the Bank of China?/How can I find the Bank of China ?

  - Cross the street , walk on and take the first turning on the left.It's a three minutes'walk.


  1.- What is the time ? / What time is it , please ?

  - It's four o'clock sharp .

  2.- Have you got the time ?

  -It's 9:30.

  3.- What is the date today

  -It's May 12th.

  4.—What day is it today?

  - It is Monday .


  1.- How's Jane these days

  - She's fine .

  2.- What seems to be the matter ?

  - I think she just catch a cold.


  1.-What's the weather like outside today ?

  -Well,it's very hot.

  2.-How are the summers here?

  -Hot and humid.

  3.- It's a fine day , isn't it ?

  -Yeah, it's wonderful.



  1.-Do you mind if I smoke?/Is it all right if I smoke?/Would you mind my smoking?

  -No,I don't.

  2.-Can I make a phone call? I'd like to make a phone call, if you permit me.

  -Go ahead.


  1.-Why not go swimming?/Why don't we go swimming?

  - Good idea .

  2.-How about going for a walk?

  -Whatever you say.

  3.- What about a beer ?

  -I'd love to.

  4.- You'd better take an umbrella with you .

  -OK,I'll do that.

  5.-Would you care to go to the party?

  — That's an excellent idea .


  1.- You can't drive after you drink wine

  -Thank you for reminding me.

  2.-We don't permit you smoking in this building.

  - I'll remember that .

  3.- You'd better not go to school .

  - All right.I won't go .



  1.-Why don't you come in and have dinner with me?

  -I'd love to.

  2.-Would you be free to come to have lunch with us?

  I'm terribly sorry. I don't think I can come. /I'm afraid I won't be able to see you today.

  3. -Let's find a MeDonald's and have lunch. It's on me.


  1.-Do you have some time tomorrow?

  -Yes,I do.

  2.-I am calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow.

  -I'm sorry. But this week is not convenient for me.

  3.- I'm sorry , but I have to cancel our lunch appointment .

  - No problem , we'll make it later this week .


  1.- May I take your order ? / Are you ready to order ?

  - Yes.I'll have some eggs .

  2.-What do you recommend?

  -Today we have very good steak.

  3.-What's today's special?

  -It is noodle.

  4.- Could you show us the menu ?

  - Yes , here it is .

  5.- What would you like to drink , tea or coffee ?



  1.-Make yourself at home.Help yourself.

  -I will.

  2.-Would you care for some sausage?

  - Just one or two pieces , please./ No , thanks / No , thanks.I am a vegetarian .(五)祝酒

  1.-To your health.




  3.-Here's to you-in appreciation of all you have done for us.

  -Thank you. Bottom up



  1.-Well done!

  -Thank you.

  2.-You look great this morning!


  3.-I admire your good taste.

  -Thank you.



  -Thank you!

  2.-Please accept my heartiest congratulation.

  - Thank you ! It's very kind of you to say so .


  1.-Good luck./The best of luck.


  2.-Have a nice weekend.

  ——Thanks,You too.

  3.-Happy new year!

  -The same to you

  4.-May I wish you every success in your career.

  -Thank you.


  1.-I am sorry.

  - That's all right./ Never mind./ It doesn't matter .

  2.-Sorry,it is my fault.

  -No problem./That's OK.

  3.-Please forgive me for my carelessness.

  -Forget it.


  1.-Thank you for your help./Thanks a lot./Thanks very much./Many thanks.

  -You're welcome./It is my pleasure./My pleasure.



  1.-Can I help you?

  -No thanks.I am just looking around./Can I look at the T-shirt?

  2.-How much does it cost?

  -They are twenty dollars.

  3.-Can I try on these shoes?

  -Yes,go ahead.


  1.-What is the matter?/What is the trouble with you?

  -I have a pain here.

  2.-I'm afraid I have a fever.

  -Have you had your temperature taken?

  3.-I have a headache/earache.

  -How long have you been like this?


  1.-Mike there?/May I speak to Mike?/Is Mike there?/This is Tom speaking.

  - Speaking./ Just a moment./ No , he isn't in at the moment .

  2. -I'd like to talk to Mr. White.

  - Sorry , but he is out./ Hold the line , please./ I am afraid you've got the wrong number./He is not available now.Would you like to leave a message?

  3.-Is this Dr.Blair's residence?

  - Yes , this is.May I ask who's calling ?







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  10. 廣州航海學(xué)院成人學(xué)位英語(yǔ)考試報(bào)名通知

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