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更新時間:2022-06-10 09:15:00  來源:大牛教育成考網(wǎng)  點擊量:





  根據(jù)提示寫一份舉行隔周一次的英語晚會(every-other-week Enlish evening) 的書面通知。

  提示:1.時間:11月24日,周六晚上7點。2.地點:2號教學(xué)樓的報告廳(lecture room)。3.內(nèi)容:歌曲,朗誦(recitation),舞蹈,話劇等,還有美籍教師演講。4.目的:提高學(xué)生英語聽說能力。5.報名地點:辦公室203室,學(xué)生會(Students’ Union).


  注意:1.要點不得遺漏 2.符合書面通知的格式 3.詞數(shù)為 100 左右。


  In order to improve the students ’ listening and speaking ability, the every-other week English evening is to be held in the lecture room, No.2 Teaching Building , at 7:00 p.m. this Saturday, November 24th. Program includes songs, recitation, dances, plays and so on. And our English teacher from America is going to make a short speech about English study. Everyone is welcome . Those who would like to take part in it , please sign your names at the Students’ Union, Room 203,Office Building .

  Students’ Union


  假如你是學(xué)生李華,在家是獨生子女,國家開放二孩政策后,你的父母想再生一個孩 子,征求你的意見。恰好你的美國筆友 Peter 來信詢問我國的二孩政策。請你給他回 一封信。




  征求 Peter 的看法。


  1. 詞數(shù)100左右;2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3 開頭語已為你寫好,不計入字?jǐn)?shù)。

  Dear Peter,

  I have received your letter and I’m glad to explain to you the two-child policy in China. The Chinese government recently plans to change the one-child policy into two-child policy, meaning that every family in China is allowed to have two children. Now my parents have made a decision to give birth to a second child, which worries me a great deal. Though it is good to have a brother or sister to grow up with, I have to share everything with him or her. Most importantly, what if the love from my parents is totally switched to the new child? As you have a younger sister, did you have similar problems? What’s your opinion about this? I am looking forward to your early reply.

  Yours,Li Hua



  內(nèi)容 包括以下幾點:1. 河水顏色發(fā)黑,并發(fā)出臭味。2. 水里沒有魚,也沒人游泳。3. 污染原因是附近的工廠往河里排放工業(yè)廢水。4. 大家應(yīng)保護環(huán)境,減少污染。 注意:1. 要符合日記的格式 2. 詞數(shù)為 100 左右

  September 16,2012,Sunday Cloudy

  I went to the small city far away from village to buy some books this morning. What I saw there surprised me very much. There is a river in the city. The water in it is dark and smells terrible. It is polluted with chemical waste from factories. There are many small factories along the river. The worst one is the paper factory . It pours waste water into the river day and night. Fish can’t live in such a polluted river and neither can people swim in it. I wonder why people don’t care about our environment. We should do something to reduce pollution.


  假如你是李華,你們學(xué)校就“感恩父母,從我做起”這一話題展開討論。請你用英語 寫一篇短文,談?wù)劄槭裁匆卸鞲改福愫透改钢g發(fā)生的最難忘的事以及你的感受。 注意:詞數(shù)為 100 左右

  I think it's important for us to thank our parents. Since I was born, my parents have given me all their love and care, but never expect anything in return. They havebrought me up and taken good care of me carefully and patiently.

  Last year, I was chosen to take part in a speech competition. I felt very nervous. My parents tried hard to help me prepare for it. They encouraged me to be confident and told me not to care much about the result. They said the process of learning was more meaningful.

  With their help, I did very well that time. I felt happy and proud. I'd like to say “Thanks a lot! You're great! I will love you forever!” to mum and dad.



  你是 Lucy, 寫一封給老同學(xué) Allen 的邀請信,邀請他參加下個星期日下午 4 點(12 月 23 日)的校友聚會。希望 Allen 盡快回信接受邀請,以便他們及時做好安排。

  December 16,2012 Dear Allen,

  We are having all classmates for dinner at 4 p.m. next Sunday(December 23) at the hotel. There will be a big reunion. Would it be possible for you to join in it at your convenience? I hope that you will feel it worth while to accept this invitation. We haven’t seen each other for a long time and we are all anxious to have you with us. We shall be very much pleased if we receive word of your acceptance in the near future , so that we can make good arrangements in time .

  Yours, Lucy







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  5. 2022年函授大專什么時候考試
  6. 函授大專結(jié)業(yè)證考教師資格證可以嗎
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  9. 成人函授大專學(xué)歷怎么報考,流程是怎么樣的
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  2. 廣東信息工程職業(yè)學(xué)院成人高考招生人數(shù)多嗎
  3. 廣州醫(yī)學(xué)類成考有哪些學(xué)??梢赃x
  4. 仲愷農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)院成考本科能報什么專業(yè)
  5. 廣東第二師范學(xué)院繼續(xù)教育招生時間
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  7. 仲愷農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)院成人本科學(xué)士學(xué)位授予條件是什么
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  10. 廣州業(yè)余大專學(xué)校有哪些

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