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更新時(shí)間:2022-05-02 08:46:00  來源:大牛教育成考網(wǎng)  點(diǎn)擊量:



  I once went to a town in the north of England on business.

  It was about 7:30 in the evening when I reached the hotel. The manageress, a strict old lady of about 60, showed me to my room. When I asked her what time dinner was, she said there was only one sitting at 6:30, and I had 1 it.

  “Never mind, ”I said. “I’m not very 2. I’ll just have a drink in the bar(酒吧)and a sandwich. ”

  “Bar!”she 3 her voice. “This is a respectable hotel, young man. If you want 4, you must go somewhere else. ”She spoke 5 a glass of beer was a dangerous drug.

  I went to a bar and had some beer and sandwiches and then went to the cinema. At about 11:30 I 6. Everything was in darkness. I knocked at the door, but nothing happened. The 7 sound was the church clock opposite, which suddenly struck the half-hour with such 8 that it made me jump. 9 a window opened upstairs. The old lady 10 and asked me what was going on. I explained who I was and she let me 11 after ten minutes’ wait. She was in her nightdress. She told me seriously that guests were 12to be back in the hotel by 11 o’clock.

  I went to bed but could not sleep. Every quarter of an hour the church clock struck and at midnight the whole hotel shook with the noise. Just before dawn, I finally 13.

  When I arrived at 14, everyone else had nearly 15and there was not enough coffee to go round.

  “Did you 16well, young man? ”the old lady asked.

  “17, I don’t think I could go through 18night in that room, ”I replied. “I hardly slept at all. ”

  “That’s because you were 19all night drinking! ”she said angrily, putting 20to the conversation.

  1. A. had  B. passed  C. missed  D. caught

  2. A. hungry  B. sleepy  C. tired  D. happy

  3. A. lost  B. lowered  C. dropped  D. raised

  4. A. beer  B. coffee  C. milk  D. tea

  5. A. even if  B. since  C. although  D. as if

  6. A. went to bed  B. walked to a club

  C. returned to the hotel  D. drove to a restaurant

  7. A. only  B. sharp  C. sweet  D. last

  8. A. effort  B. force  C. power  D. attraction

  9. A. Firstly  B. Wonderfully  C. Unfortunately  D. Finally

  10. A. came out  B. got up  C. looked out  D. woke up

  11. A. down  B. out  C. back  D. in

  12. A. ordered  B. expected  C. taught  D. encouraged

  13. A. fell asleep  B. went to bed  C. got up  D. gave in

  14. A. a decision  B. breakfast  C. once  D. the office

  15. A. arrived  B. done  C. finished  D. started

  16. A. play  B. sleep  C. eat  D. do

  17. A. First of all  B. Never mind  C. To tell you the truth  D. As a result

  18. A. one  B. another  C. such  D. any

  19. A. away  B. here  C. down  D. up

  20. A. an end  B. a saying  C. a joke  D. a pause


  1. C2. A3. D4. A5. D6. C

  7. A8. B9. D10. C11. D12. B

  13. A14. B15. C16. B17. C18. B

  19. D20. A






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